
anagrammer wordfinder
anagrammer wordfinder
anagrammer wordfinder
anagrammer wordfinder
anagrammer wordfinder
anagrammer wordfinder
anagrammer wordfinder
anagrammer wordfinder
anagrammer wordfinder
anagrammer wordfinder

anagrammer wordfinder游戏简介 brings you the best WordFinder, Word Solver and Word Lookup app. Quickly find all highest scoring words. Refine your search with super powerful filters. Check if a word is VALID or INVALID in Scrabble ®, Words With Friends ®, Lexulous ®, Wordfeud ® or Word Chums ® etc.

anagrammer wordfinder游戏亮点

Find words in over 5 Million words in 20 different dictionaries used in many different word games.

Use this app to quickly challenge your opponent when youre playing Scrabble®

Anagrammer offers dozens of word cheats, word decoders, anagram finders.

Word Lookup helps you stop a cheater in his tracks by using the built-in WordFinder to check if a word exists in a dictionary of Scrabble® or Words With Friends® and another 18 different dictionaries.

Anagrammer is not only a Word Lookup app, but you can also use it as an anagram solver, word unscrambler & word finder. We rip through multiple dictionaries and generate highest scoring words. Become unbeatable at Scrabble® and Words With Friends®, Lexulous®, Letterpress® etc. Learn new scrabble words, solve crosswords, sharpen your strategic skills and improve your score. Beat the competition fair and square or out-cheat a cheater whenever necessary.

Our dictionaries for cheats are updated regularly to make sure we have all the words included in each gam


000,000+ words used in many games including Words With Friends, WWF2, Scrabble, Word Feud, Word Chums

Powerful wildcard feature by pressing "space" or "?" for your empty tiles

Quickly see if a word is valid or invalid and "challenge" your opponent

20 different dictionaries, including competition word lists

Word Finder, enter unlimited wildcards and see lists of possible words

Check word definitions and scores

Find other anagram solvers in All Solvers

Fast way to find all of the possible words for your games lexical dictionary, anything from Word Crossy®, PictoWord® to Word Domination® Lexulous® and almost any word puzzle gam

Specific to Scrabble players, find relevant words that are for Scrabble US, Canada, Thailand or Scrabble UK

Use this app as pattern match by pressing "space" or "?" for unknown letters/tiles.

For many years now Anagrammer has been the original and most powerful tool used by Players accross the world for Scrabble®, Word Chums® and Word Cookies® crossword board solver, and our special word lists are the ultimate cheat sheet to find all the answers / clues and connect all the words.

Who is Mr. Anagrammer?

Im a BIG word nerd. I create wicked tools to kick butt on word games. Anagrammer is my name, solving puzzles is my game!

This is a brand new app and We will be improving it, if you find any bugs, please dont hesitate to contact us.

Anagrammer WordFinder V2.0更新日志

Anagrammer Word Finder has been completely rebuilt with lots of great new features. You can now use the word solver - which will find the best words to play with Scrabble ®, Words With Friends ®, Lexulous ® etc. We have also improved the Word Checker - which you can use to challenge your opponents and check words quickly.



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